Polson Pier Friday Men's Summer    (julio de 2014)
Polson Pier Friday Men's Summer Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
DT Dynamos 751125516200,714
Crystal Palace 7322121811-60,429
Chemists 72328168-80,286
United Nations 71518144-60,143
Polson Pier Friday Men's Summer Schedule
Player Stats
1DT DynamosMaytham Naqvi 7
2ChemistsInder Dhillon 3
3ChemistsDavid O'Brien 3
4Crystal PalaceCraig Cairns 3
5Crystal PalaceDavid Medilek 3
6DT DynamosFaizan Butt 3
7DT DynamosLiam Brown 3
8United Nations Jeremy Wilkes 3
10Crystal PalaceBassaam Salim 2
11DT DynamosAttique Ajmal 2
12DT DynamosMehsum Mansoor Naqvi 2
13DT DynamosAlexander Maini 2
14DT DynamosJehanzeb Aamer-Arshed 2
15Crystal PalaceMarius Bara 1
16DT DynamosDevendra Kalwani 1
17DT DynamosMo Musa 1
18DT DynamosBartek Jach 1
19DT DynamosKémoo El Sayed 1
20United Nations Ibai Lakunza 1
21United Nations Imran Meghji 1
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Mens Open
Division: Men's
Sport: Indoor Soccer (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 25/07/2014
End Date: 03/10/2014
Status: Complete
Team Fee: 1.525,50 $
PlayerFee: 25,00 $
Other Fee Info: Starts Friday July 25th
9 GAMES(Referee fees included)
-TIME: 7:30PM-11:00PM
-TEAM Fee: $1350.00 + HST
-INDVIDUAL Fee: $165.00 + HST
-New players must pay $25 for the player membership.

-Deposit of $1000.00 is needed to hold a spot for the league.
-If writing a cheque please make payable to Soccerworld Polson Pier
-6 players are on the field during play. You can register up to 18 players on a team.
-NO CLEATS Indoor shoes only
-Call 416-466-5493 to register